Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Journal entries 15th of Evening star- 29th of Evening Star ( pg 8)

15th of Evening Star, Winterhold, college, Skyrim

    The Librarian gave me a list of book's he would like and where they might be.  Armion and I will be leaving in the morning to go and see if they are where the leads mentioned. One in particular interests me as we will be very near to High Hrothgar, where the Nord Greybeards are said to live. Of course their is supposedly a book in a fort that was taken over by Witches, it's near Morthal, so we will head their first. Not for any particular reason, except that, I've heard rumor's of a different sort and want to check it out.
    Armion isn't sleeping all that much at night, I can often hear him roaming around. He does try and be quiet, but I'm on edge so every little noise wakes me up also. He sleep's while I am in class, though not always and somtimes I think he sits their cat napping. No one goes near him when they think he might be sleeping. We all learned our lesson on that one, Holey cow he is a very powerful mage...and quick. No one got scorched, but it was a close thing. 

19th of Evening Star, Morthal, Skyrim

    So we went through the Fort with a fine tooth comb and found quiet a few book's the librarian might be interested in. I'm sending them off with a courrier, as I really don't feel like packing them across Skyrim. I keep thinking that a horse wouldn't be a bad idea, but Winterhold is very cold and really no place to keep horses. They should rebuild some of those old buildings, they might actually draw people in.
    In the morning we are off to Iverstead, which is near where one of the book's is reported to be. The rumor I heard about Morthal turns out to be very true, Vampires are running around the town and no one really seem's to notice. I sent a letter off to that weird Orc, that had asked me if I wanted to join the Dawnguard...or something like that. If I was a bit more experienced I might have tried cleaning out the nest myself. 

   22nd of Evening Star, Iverstead, Skyrim

   What a very fun trip... it's a beautiful land, but it's getting more and more dangerous. So now on top of watching for the normal animal dangers, their are  Dragons roaming around. We helped a Nord man fight a dragon, well Armion helped alot more than I did, I healed everyone more than actually fought the dragon. He seemed to absorb the soul of the dragon, he said it's the third one that he has killed and absorbed the soul of. He is on his way to High Hrothgar, it seems the Greybeards summoned him.

   I do not envy him the climb up the mountain, it looks daunting. We are spending the night at the Inn and then we will go find the Barrow that the informant gave the directions to.  Life is sure getting exciting. 

   24th of Evening Star, Iverstead, Skyrim

    So we got more than what we were after in the Barrow. I am really starting to hate draugr, people need to stay dead. I'm giving the book's to another courier, I don't want to head back to the College just yet.
     I got a lead on some really old book's in another barrow, it's near Markarth. Plus I want to actually go into Markarth and see the Dwemer museum, it is said that it's the very best. 

     29th of Evening Star, Outside Markarth

       We got the book out of the Barrow near Markarth and headed into town. I got to see the museum, it's a nice thing. I had trouble their also, Armion got me out of it, seems that the Silverblood family runs the town and our enemy knew I would go their, eventually. I guess my curiosity is a well known trait. Well they were told to hold me or kill me either one.

    I have all the pieces of the amulet and forged them into one, it's not as powerful as I had thought it would be,  but I gave it to Armion because it is more powerful an artifact than I need to have, also holding the Staff of Mangus. I have been in touch with the Psijic monk that appeared at the college. It was hard setting getting word to him, but I will be heading to the Island, Armion is going to go with me. He says he plans on staying, he is tired of killing, but that is what the Dominion has him doing no matter what he says. I guess once you are good at something they don't let you stop.

    I have no clue if it is a personal thing or if I should take him literally. My feelings for him are somewhat confused. He has said that he will teach me and be a mentor as long as I want. Sometimes I think I catch him looking at me with a curious expression on his face, like he isn't sure what I mean to him. We won't be heading strait to the Island, but I should be their not to long after you get this journal. I will try to write on the ship their and give the letter to the captain to deliver to you, so that you will know that I am safe.

 I love you all, stay safe!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Letter's from home ( pg 7)

Dearest Daughter, 

    Your Father and I are glad to hear that you are safe, it is good that you have a protector. Your father did some checking around and Armion is a premier assassin. He was sent to Skyrim to take care of a person that has not yet arrived, if need be. Take care because their are things from your fathers past that are just now coming to a head. The rest of the family is in danger also. Learn as much as you can, but do not come home until we say that it is safe to do so.

                                                               Love, Your Mother

Dearest D.

    You are not going to guess what your sister E did! You don't have to worry about the Inquisitor wanting to marry you any longer, cause she went and got engaged to him. Yup, the little huzzy. He did say that he would keep your protector in place, for her. Father talked to him and asked the Inquisitor to let him know if he changed his mind as he would send a family retainer to guard you. 
   In other news, Father won't let any of us out of the house without a guard. Seems something that happened during the Great War is now biting us all in the back side. It wouldn't be so bad except it isn't the "enemy" that is after us, but rather some of our own people. Father would not elaborate on what, just that he would not tolerate cruelty and injustice.
    I was just starting to see a nice boy that had moved in down the block, from a well known family. Father said that right now was not a good time for someone to start courting, but I meet him anyway. The Library is a nice open public place and it's not like my guard isn't there also, so I think I am safe enough.



      I know that the Inquisitor wasn't your cup of tea, but I have always admired him. So with you out of the picture and I know you wouldn't care anyway. I have been visiting with him since you left and he finally asked me if I would consent to marry him, of course I said yes. I know you won't mind in the least, but if you were here and did, well then you would be marrying him. 
     A. is going to get herself in hot water with father, she is sneaking out to met some boy or the other, even after father said not to. She doesn't see the harm in it, mostly because I am seeing the Inquisitor, she even said as much. Of course the difference is Father said he isn't the danger and might be one of the few safety nets that we have. The boy she is seeing is  from a new family to the area and Father is having them checked out to make sure he isn't the enemy we are being guarded from.
    All your other sister's send their love and we all wish you were here. You could always talk father into letting you know what was happening.
                                                        Love you always, E.


      I am quiet sure that your sister has written to let you know that I am marrying her. I know it might seem that I transfered my affections rather quickly, but in truth I think I was drawn to you as a moth is to a flame. I see the love for me in your sisters eye's, with you I was never sure you even considered me a friend. I hope so, as I consider you a good friend. 
   I do not know if your father is letting you know of the danger you are in or the exact nature of it. Since I have arrainged for Armion to stay with you and I would need to let him know where the danger is coming from I will let you know.
   A very prominent Altemer family from one of the proviences sent a son to war. Not very unusual as most families sent one or two childern off during the Great War. This boy however had a cruel streak and took his ire out on captives. Now I am not saying that no capitive was ever harmed by any other officer in the Dominion, but he would do very unspeakable things to family memebers while making the others watch. Your father had him written up and he was both demoted and humilated. His Mother who could not stand the shame from it took her own life. 
   As you can probably guess, he was rather upset about it all and vowed to get revenge on your Father. I am trying to track him down and get any information on him. The problem is he sold all the families assests when he inherited the estate 30 some years ago and was already living under an assumed name.
   Either let Armion read this letter or tell him what is happening. Stay safe.

                                  Inquisitor Prailiean

After reading the letters from home I handed them to Armion. The grim set to his mouth only tightened more, when he read the Inquisitors letter.  He looked at me and told me to learn quickly as we might have to leave soon if I wanted to stay alive. As I have no intentions of dying anytime soon, I will do that. Their are things I need to do, before we leave, but I will get them done as quickly as I can.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Journal #2 1st of Evening Star - 5th of Evening Star ( pg 6)

1st of Evening Start, Solitude, Skyrim

    We are in Solitude after a rather arduous crawl through the Nordic ruin Folgunthur, Father you may recognize the name of the person interred their, Mikrul his last name was partially obscured but Gaul something or other. 

    The book that we were after was not in the tomb and I was rather disappointed as the Librarian seemed to really want it. It was a tough fight from the first room's to the last, but we made it through. The book the Librarian wanted was not their, but I have asked around town about rare book's and got an interesting answer. A Necromancer that likes to hoard books lives, so we thought we would ask him nicely if he has any that the college may be interested in. 

    You know some people just don't take to being asked nicely. His followers attacked us as soon as we entered the keep. Really all we wanted was to see if he had any book's I could buy from him. We did find some books that looked very old, but were still in good condition, if rather fragile. I wrapped them up in cloth then water proof oiled cloth for the trip back to Winterhold.

5th of Evening Sun, College, Winterhold, Skyrim
   We are back at the college and Urag Gro-Shub, the Librarian was thrilled with the book's that we brought. He was happy to see I was in one piece also. He was kind of disappointed that the lead he had gotten the book he wanted didn't pan out, but he said to give him a week or so and he would have some other leads if I was interested.

   In the mean time I will take some classes on Conjuration and the one class in Restoration that I wanted to take. Colette is still upset about someone going through her things and leaving harsh personal notes. If it wasn't for the notes I would think she was imagining that her fellow teachers were persecuting her in some way. I was sitting in the Library reading and half listening to two of the instructors talking about an experiment in enchanting/ conjuration that they were performing together when she walked in, they stopped speaking... after they left she came over to me and said "See they are talking about me, conversations stop when I enter the room."  Well her name had not once come up in the conversation and as I don't think that either instructor knew I could hear them, I said nothing. 

*********  I got the Gauldur fragment from Mikrul and I can feel the two pieces trying to pull together. I gave that piece to Armion to hold, because even wrapped in insulating silk,  the pull was strong. I found some information in the tomb about where the next fragment can be located, but I'll need to wait til the Librarian asks me to get him some book or the other.
                     I am as it happens pretty safe here at the college itself, but. I went into town to get somethings that various instructors had ordered and was again attacked by an assassin. Armion only had to pull me behind him, as the man was a pincushion of arrow's before I could blink. The Jarl happened to be walking around town and the Guards thought he was the target. Armion got their first, for some reason the guards really respect him and he palmed the note, which said I was the target. This is getting worse, Armion has no idea who is behind this, as he is still receiving missive's from the Inquisitor asking if I am still safe. He said he would be pulled as my guard and reassigned elsewhere if the Inquisitor wanted me dead.
                     I will keep you abreast of what is happening, but I think I may have to leave Skyrim sooner than I thought. I have a good lead on a place I may be safe at, both from assassins and other things. ********

Monday, July 6, 2015

Journal entry 12 th Sun's Dusk - 29th of Sun's Dusk ( pg 5 )

  29th of Sun's Dusk, Vellarmo Winterhold, Skyrim

    This is going to be a long entry, a lot happened in the last couple of days. We got to the excavation site at Sarthaal and got settled in. We each got an assignment, I was to look for enchanted items in an area that had not been gone over yet. Which I did and found plenty of items, some of which caused a stir with the instructors. 
   Which is what caused things to go so very wrong. I found an amulet in a "shrine" type niche and pulled it out, it caused a gate to go down and Armion to have a serious fit...well do men have fits? I was blinded for a couple minutes due to the shear amount of power he was throwing at the gate. When he finally stopped Tolfidir asked what I had done and to see if a simple spell cast at the "shrine" would open the gate, which thankfully it did. 
   We ended up exploring more into the ruin and fought draugr after draugr, including one of Battlemage Galdur's son's. I'm not sure why they interred him in a room with an item of power, but sitting in the room was an orb so powerful that you could feel the magic coming off if it. While Tolfidir was concentrating on the orb, I looked at the things left behind with the Galdur son, which turns out was a nice journal  and letter that would have undone everything that the High King had done to erase them from history. I took them and put them in my pouch , Armion gave me a funny look and I told him I would explain later. 

    ****** Before we got to far into the ruin I was visited by a Psijic monk, yes you read that right. He told me that we would find something dangerous and powerful in the ruin, but that event's were unfolding and I  would have a big part in them. I could not see his full face, but he looked familiar somehow.  *******

     Event's did unfold and it seemed that Ancarno and I were at the very center and in opposite corners. When the orb was brought to the college, Ancarno blocked everyone off, in the process of trying to break through the wards he put up the Arch-mage was killed, the Dean was very badly hurt and none of us escaped unscathed.

    With all the running around I did in those two week's looking for an answer of how to get through the ward and stop Ancarno, I should have bought at horse. But you know I hate to ride, so we took the carriage whenever we could, mostly so we could sleep while still moving. I found a staff, "The eye of Mangus" that drained enough of the power off the orb, that we could break through Ancarnos wards. Funny thing..well not so funny really, for all the magic that we were using, it was Armion with a bow that killed Ancarno. 

   **** I actually had a few visits from the Psijic monk's. A second visit while I was still looking for the Staff, were he told me that event's were getting worse at the College, Ancarno had warded the Orb then. The last visit was when they took the orb with them back to the island. He gave a very cryptic message before he left, I have yet to figure it out exactly. It seems I might become the Arch-mage or maybe an Arch-mage?
          I have Armion to thank for my life, I know that is the job that he was assigned and he seems to take guarding me very seriously. He rented a little house in Winterhold that he took me to the night The arch-mage died and I am pretty sure he dosed me with a sleeping potion. The last thing I remember was sitting on the floor crying and he offered me a drink and then held me while I cried. Next thing I remember it was morning and I had one heck of a headache.
         Father, two things... 1st I do remember what you said about the Battlemage Galdur and his son's, so I am going to take it on myself to get the pieces of the amulet and send them to the Psijic monks as well. 2nd, I have been attacked twice by assassins. The letters they carry do not say who, just that the job as been paid for. Looking for the amulets will keep me away from the college, but Armion said that he would teach me some more destruction, Illusion and conjuration, plus he had some book's at that little house. *******

         So I now that the Orb is gone and things almost back to normal, I am going out again to look for more book's for the Librarian. He has a couple leads on book's by someone named Shalidor, so I will probably be rummaging in every dusty, musty and draugr filled ruin their is in Skyrim.  Yippy for me, it's a job right? Anyway, Annalisa, all that running around I did,  that baby fat that you teased me about, it's gone. 
    So me and my Shadow are going to be off and about for while. So this journal is leaving on the next boat to Summerset, I will start another. I will try and get some letter's written at the very least and I am sorry that I had not done so.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Journal 4th of Sun's Dusk - 11th of Sun's Dusk ( pg 4)

4th of Sun's Dusk, Winterhold, college, Skyrim

    The college has a very nice Lustarium, mother you would be in your element. They have two different temperate zones, one tropical, the other more desert like, both heated with Dwemer technology that one of the teachers has converted for that use. I spend  a bit of time in the Tropical room, no one else seems to like it and it's a very quiet place for me to study. My Shadow  ever dogging my footsteps, I won't say I am used to him, but he is so quiet that I often forget he is their, for a time anyway.

     The library is also very nice and I have been helping the Librarian find some book's that he has tracked down to various places. That is what I am going to do tomorrow, retrieve some books that where taken when a student left the college. I asked if anyone else needed anything that I could get on my trip out and other than the Enchanting Teacher, wanting an item picked up, their was nothing that I could do anyway.
      My Alteration teacher is getting very excited about the excavation in the Nordic ruin, he will be in charge of us students. My fellow students are also getting antsy about going, they seem to think it will be a good adventure and a way they can us more of their mage skills. I am not so happy about going, but I suppose it is a good way to hone certain skills... like those needed to find and catalogue different enchantments and wards.

**** Armion still follows me around school, but he is unintrustive, mostly. The other day the Thalmor advisor tried to corner me, questioning me. Armion stepped out of the shadows, cleared his throat and Ancarno went pale and excused himself. I do not know what Armions exact job was/is here in Skyrim and I am afraid of the answer if I was to ask. I know he is a dangerous man. His skill as a mage is only equaled by his skill with a sword and he is so quiet that you would think he was a thief ....or assassin.  *******

  6th of Sun's Dusk, The Winking Skeever, Solitude, Skyrim

     I am finished with my book retrieval and it was quiet a job. The three book's taken by a former student were in a fort that had been taken over by a cult of Necromancers. That was quiet the fight and the leader was not an easy person to deal with, another Uppity Altmer. Why are our own folk going to Skyrim and being that way?  The other book was in a bandit hideout and they were much easier to deal with. ( actually if they hadn't shot first, I would have asked to buy the book from them.) 

   After the little talk that I had with Armion he said he would purchase some different robes, as long as there were some appropriate ones. I am not sure exactly what that meant, but he did say that he would exchange them from the Thalmor robes he wears now. That is the main reason we are here in Solitude. I get some very evil looks from the Local Nords because of him and I am sure they would be much nicer where he not along... or not wearing those robes. 

   And what did  he choose to buy...black and grey robes, one set is a very deep purple and grey.  Black is a theme, he didn't however get rid of his cloak and he just grunted at me when I said something.  I traded in some armor I found, cleaned and put on... ( the look on his face was priceless, it didn't cover much ) but trading it was part of the deal. 

  11th of Sun's Dusk, Winterhold, College, Skyrim
    The trip back to winterhold was very uneventful, a couple bandit's and some wolves. I managed to catch the evening Alteration class and Tolfidir said that now that I was back we would be heading to the excavation in the morning. Colette the Restoration Master was rather upset this  evening, seems someone is moving some of her things. I will be taking a few of her classes, skill in healing is always a good thing to have. 

  ****** Their is more politicking going on here than first meets the eye. Some of the teachers are not happy with the way the college is run by the Arch-mage and the Dean.  The college guard brought Armion a letter, he read it and then threw it in the waste basket in my room. Well when he left to let me get into my night clothing and clean up, I read it, quickly. While I had thought it might be from the Inquisitor, I was wrong. It was from his brother, who if I read that right is a Priest of Talos! He was berating him for the things that the Thalmor are doing here and I would guess taunting him with his open worship of Talos. One might just walk up to the Dragons that have suddenly appeared and stick ones tongue out at them.  *********



Saturday, July 4, 2015

Journal 27th of Frostfall - 3rd of Sun's Dusk ( pg 3)

27 Frostfall, Morthal, Skyrim

     First Morthal is a very creepy little town, centered between some mountains and a frozen swamp. The Inn's Bard is an Orc of all things, while not terribly good, he could be worse. But this is where I decided to stop for the night, I wanted to see some of Skyrim and as I have a "guard/ protector", I figured their wasn't much harm in walking.

       I did forget to mention in my letter that the name of the Inn in solitude is "The Winking Skeever", what an odd name. The bard their was pretty good, but I would expect that from the town where the Bards College is.

      You would not believe this, but the very first danger that I ran into was giant spiders, Kali would have absolute fit's. My gloomy guardian is a spellsword and a very good one at that. The wolves are rampant here also, but as long as they come at us in small numbers, they are very easy to take care of.

*** Hidden letter excerpt****   Amina, HE takes his job very seriously, I flirted a bit with a local Nord, he was kinda cute, but I meant nothing by it and I'm sure he knew that. HE glared at the Benor until he left. Then I woke up in the middle of the night to find him sitting in the chair in my room... talk about creepy. We passed a Thalmor patrol with a prisoner I felt very sorry for the man, they had not even  left him with his own clothing and had taken his shoes. How can anyone wish to be a part of such a cruel organization? *****

28 th Frostfall, Dawnstar, Skyrim

   This is a very nice little town, but they seem to be having a problem with Nightmares, I had no trouble sleeping, but most everyone I talked to said they have not had a good night's sleep in week's. I think you would like it, it's right on the coast, in a very snowy local. 

   This is a piece of news you are just not going to believe, but it's true... Armion and I were attacked by a Dragon, yes  that's right a Dragon. I may not like him, but if not for Armion I would be dead, so I guess Father was right, I really should have taken a bodyguard with me, at least until I can get better with my magicka and defending myself. 

30th Frostfall, College, Winterhold, Skyrim

    So I met with the Archmage and the umm Dean (?) or the the lady in charge of the day to day workings. I also met with all the teachers and some of the students.  I met the Librarian, an Orc would you believe? He is very nice, if gruff and takes his job seriously.  A tour around the whole of the College, it is much nicer than we had thought it would be. Right on the coast, if I can find the watercolors to do so, I will paint some pictures, I may not be as good as Amina, but I think you can get the gist. 

   I got my room assigned to me, it's a one person room, which somehow I think I might be sharing with my shadow.... I even joked about getting a pallet and some fur's to put on the floor. 

**** I don't think he thought that my joke about furs on the floor was very funny. But that is exactly what he did and put it right infront of the door. I could not go out without waking him up, of course that was probably the idea, along with no one being able to come in. 
        There is another Thalmor agent here at the College, he says his role is Advisor, but as far as I can see all he does is give his opinion to the Arch-mage is a semi-threatening way. Not that the Arch-mage pays any attention to that. 
       He does not seem to know the Agent that is here.. Ancarno or something like that... just what I need, I know Ancarno is the type to report every little detail in the worst light possible. I shall be very careful. ******** 

3rd of Sun's Dusk, Winterhold, College, skyrim

       I've had my 1st couple of classes and the teachers are very good. I decided to go with Conjuration,  Illusion and Alteration as my major courses of study, with Destruction and a few classes in Restoration. Their is even a teacher for Enchanting, which is very nice. 
     In a week or so we are supposed to go help with an excavation of an old Nordic ruin. I think our main job will be to catalog artifacts so that the workers have more than one person to go to. In the mean time, I am making some extra money by helping some of the teacher's and librarian get things. Like I got a Necklace for the Enchanting Teacher from a man in Markarth, a town supposedly built by the Dwemer and I can see that it probably was. 
     Why do I need the extra money? While their is no "tuition" like some of the other colleges, you have to pay the teachers for each lesson, which as I am sure you can guess Ad's up. Plus my clothing is not adequate for the weather if I am roaming around the country side on assignments from the teachers.

******* He had an absolute fit when he saw the clothing that I started wearing when I got to the college, well you know it is a bit skimpy, but not like I am showing more than our parents permit. I know I am bad, Amina, the things he said really made me mad, so I stripped down to my bra and panties to sleep. I didn't wear the thick stockings and tall boot's with the short skirts, like we had planned... I wore just the skirt and fur slippers.  No Jacket with the corsets either. Ok so I could only keep that up for a day or so, it is just that cold here, but it was well worth it. I do not think himself was very thrilled with the idea. Just wait til he gets a gander at the Formal mage robes that you designed for me...******


25th of Frostfall, Letter to Amina ( pg 2)

Dearest Amina, 

     Please tell our parents that I arrived in Solitude with no problems, the Captain said he is going to be here for a couple days and I asked him to take this letter back with him. The trip here was unexceptional to say the least, even my fellow travelers were...lacking in personality. The sailors were the only thing that made the trip itself tolerable, they had many  ammusing stories. 

     I don't know about sending open letters to you and the rest of the family, so I have thought of a way to  make sure that the inquisitor does not get his hands on anything important. It is not of course fool proof, but better than nothing. The letters I send to Mother and Father will be a generic, while anything inmprtant will go to you in a secret panel in a journal I will send to you. The journal itself will be full of chatty gossip and day to day events, meant to be a boring read for someone not interested in my day to day life, so I would only skim through, so that you can catch some of the gossip...feed it to him when when he comes by and we both know he will. 

     What to say, hmm the trip as I said was uneventful, but getting off of the ship in Solitude, I didn't even make it to the end of the pier before I saw THE most gorgious man and you would think Nord right? No, Altmer and I was very very interested until I noticed the Thalmor robes he was wearing. 

     At first I thought that he might have just been the typical nosey Thalmor and was on the pier to see who had gotten off the ship, but no... I was the 1st off and he followed me into town. I walked all the way around town, just to make sure and yes, he was following me. As I didn't want to create a scene out in public I waited til I got to the Inn and confronted him their. 

    He didn't even look surprised, just told me he had been assigned to "watch, guard  and report" anything and everything that I did to an Inquisitor in Summerset. I don't think we need to guess real hard who that might be. I'm afraid I had some harsh word's for him, before I thought about it.

    To bad cause I could really have been interested in him, but I have no tolerance for the Thalmor or their supporters. Yes, dearest, I know to keep my mouth shut on those types of opinions. 

      Oh, on the gossipy side, the local clothing shop is run by two Altmer sisters, the kind that we have always refused to deal with, very uppity. Their clothing is nice, for a provencial backwater and I do think I might have said something of the sort, but not in so many words. 

                                                  Love you, Dama

P.S. my shadow, his name is Armion. He just leans and glares at people. 

P.P.S.  He really IS gorgious dang it all.


This is just her back story ( pg 1)

Damayanti is a Hindu name meaning Beautiful, Riminatil was taken from the uesp last names for Atlmer, only I added in the T.

Damayanti is one of 6 daughters, not the oldest or youngest, she is very close to her sister Amina but loves all her sisters. Her family isn't the richest, but they are influential in their small port town. 

Her Father is a retired captain in the Aldemeri Navy, that was wounded severely, he is still a renowned scholar and a member of the town consul. Her mother is a well known Alchemist and all her daughters have learned from her. Damayanti dis-likes the smell and mess that comes from alchemy and chooses not to use this skill unless she absolutely must. 

Dama, as her sisters call her, is gifted in magicka and a sharp intellect, which is a traite all her sisters share. She learned the basics of mage craft from the local mage/enchanter, the only teacher in town. He gave her a reference to a top mage school, but the summer before she was to leave she, to her horror, caught the eye of the local Thalmor Inquisitor. Though not old my Altmer standards, he was already cruel and had  driven off the few men that were showing an interest in Dama. 

Not wishing to end up married to a man that she despised, simpley to keep her family out of trouble, Dama went to her father and mother  and asked their advise. The three thought long and hard about what they could do and formed a plan. 

Telling the Inquisitor that Dama was very young and needed to be schooled in her Magicka so that it would not end up causeing harm. So with determination they looked at the few mage schools outside the Dominion that had a decent reputation and chose The College of Winterhold in Skyrim as the best one to send her to. 

They were only fearful that their would be problems with the civil war and the Thalmor presense their. Dama spent the remaining weeks packing  and repacking her things and saying fairwell to friends and family. Her father wanted to send a family retainer as bodyguard for Dama, but she talked him out of it, saying that would draw more attention to her. 

 Dama exchanged her dowery for jewls and some trade items, such as exotic cloth and herbs that she could in turn sell for profit.

She boarded a ship and left for the town of Solitude.