Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Journal entries 15th of Evening star- 29th of Evening Star ( pg 8)

15th of Evening Star, Winterhold, college, Skyrim

    The Librarian gave me a list of book's he would like and where they might be.  Armion and I will be leaving in the morning to go and see if they are where the leads mentioned. One in particular interests me as we will be very near to High Hrothgar, where the Nord Greybeards are said to live. Of course their is supposedly a book in a fort that was taken over by Witches, it's near Morthal, so we will head their first. Not for any particular reason, except that, I've heard rumor's of a different sort and want to check it out.
    Armion isn't sleeping all that much at night, I can often hear him roaming around. He does try and be quiet, but I'm on edge so every little noise wakes me up also. He sleep's while I am in class, though not always and somtimes I think he sits their cat napping. No one goes near him when they think he might be sleeping. We all learned our lesson on that one, Holey cow he is a very powerful mage...and quick. No one got scorched, but it was a close thing. 

19th of Evening Star, Morthal, Skyrim

    So we went through the Fort with a fine tooth comb and found quiet a few book's the librarian might be interested in. I'm sending them off with a courrier, as I really don't feel like packing them across Skyrim. I keep thinking that a horse wouldn't be a bad idea, but Winterhold is very cold and really no place to keep horses. They should rebuild some of those old buildings, they might actually draw people in.
    In the morning we are off to Iverstead, which is near where one of the book's is reported to be. The rumor I heard about Morthal turns out to be very true, Vampires are running around the town and no one really seem's to notice. I sent a letter off to that weird Orc, that had asked me if I wanted to join the Dawnguard...or something like that. If I was a bit more experienced I might have tried cleaning out the nest myself. 

   22nd of Evening Star, Iverstead, Skyrim

   What a very fun trip... it's a beautiful land, but it's getting more and more dangerous. So now on top of watching for the normal animal dangers, their are  Dragons roaming around. We helped a Nord man fight a dragon, well Armion helped alot more than I did, I healed everyone more than actually fought the dragon. He seemed to absorb the soul of the dragon, he said it's the third one that he has killed and absorbed the soul of. He is on his way to High Hrothgar, it seems the Greybeards summoned him.

   I do not envy him the climb up the mountain, it looks daunting. We are spending the night at the Inn and then we will go find the Barrow that the informant gave the directions to.  Life is sure getting exciting. 

   24th of Evening Star, Iverstead, Skyrim

    So we got more than what we were after in the Barrow. I am really starting to hate draugr, people need to stay dead. I'm giving the book's to another courier, I don't want to head back to the College just yet.
     I got a lead on some really old book's in another barrow, it's near Markarth. Plus I want to actually go into Markarth and see the Dwemer museum, it is said that it's the very best. 

     29th of Evening Star, Outside Markarth

       We got the book out of the Barrow near Markarth and headed into town. I got to see the museum, it's a nice thing. I had trouble their also, Armion got me out of it, seems that the Silverblood family runs the town and our enemy knew I would go their, eventually. I guess my curiosity is a well known trait. Well they were told to hold me or kill me either one.

    I have all the pieces of the amulet and forged them into one, it's not as powerful as I had thought it would be,  but I gave it to Armion because it is more powerful an artifact than I need to have, also holding the Staff of Mangus. I have been in touch with the Psijic monk that appeared at the college. It was hard setting getting word to him, but I will be heading to the Island, Armion is going to go with me. He says he plans on staying, he is tired of killing, but that is what the Dominion has him doing no matter what he says. I guess once you are good at something they don't let you stop.

    I have no clue if it is a personal thing or if I should take him literally. My feelings for him are somewhat confused. He has said that he will teach me and be a mentor as long as I want. Sometimes I think I catch him looking at me with a curious expression on his face, like he isn't sure what I mean to him. We won't be heading strait to the Island, but I should be their not to long after you get this journal. I will try to write on the ship their and give the letter to the captain to deliver to you, so that you will know that I am safe.

 I love you all, stay safe!

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