Monday, July 6, 2015

Journal entry 12 th Sun's Dusk - 29th of Sun's Dusk ( pg 5 )

  29th of Sun's Dusk, Vellarmo Winterhold, Skyrim

    This is going to be a long entry, a lot happened in the last couple of days. We got to the excavation site at Sarthaal and got settled in. We each got an assignment, I was to look for enchanted items in an area that had not been gone over yet. Which I did and found plenty of items, some of which caused a stir with the instructors. 
   Which is what caused things to go so very wrong. I found an amulet in a "shrine" type niche and pulled it out, it caused a gate to go down and Armion to have a serious fit...well do men have fits? I was blinded for a couple minutes due to the shear amount of power he was throwing at the gate. When he finally stopped Tolfidir asked what I had done and to see if a simple spell cast at the "shrine" would open the gate, which thankfully it did. 
   We ended up exploring more into the ruin and fought draugr after draugr, including one of Battlemage Galdur's son's. I'm not sure why they interred him in a room with an item of power, but sitting in the room was an orb so powerful that you could feel the magic coming off if it. While Tolfidir was concentrating on the orb, I looked at the things left behind with the Galdur son, which turns out was a nice journal  and letter that would have undone everything that the High King had done to erase them from history. I took them and put them in my pouch , Armion gave me a funny look and I told him I would explain later. 

    ****** Before we got to far into the ruin I was visited by a Psijic monk, yes you read that right. He told me that we would find something dangerous and powerful in the ruin, but that event's were unfolding and I  would have a big part in them. I could not see his full face, but he looked familiar somehow.  *******

     Event's did unfold and it seemed that Ancarno and I were at the very center and in opposite corners. When the orb was brought to the college, Ancarno blocked everyone off, in the process of trying to break through the wards he put up the Arch-mage was killed, the Dean was very badly hurt and none of us escaped unscathed.

    With all the running around I did in those two week's looking for an answer of how to get through the ward and stop Ancarno, I should have bought at horse. But you know I hate to ride, so we took the carriage whenever we could, mostly so we could sleep while still moving. I found a staff, "The eye of Mangus" that drained enough of the power off the orb, that we could break through Ancarnos wards. Funny thing..well not so funny really, for all the magic that we were using, it was Armion with a bow that killed Ancarno. 

   **** I actually had a few visits from the Psijic monk's. A second visit while I was still looking for the Staff, were he told me that event's were getting worse at the College, Ancarno had warded the Orb then. The last visit was when they took the orb with them back to the island. He gave a very cryptic message before he left, I have yet to figure it out exactly. It seems I might become the Arch-mage or maybe an Arch-mage?
          I have Armion to thank for my life, I know that is the job that he was assigned and he seems to take guarding me very seriously. He rented a little house in Winterhold that he took me to the night The arch-mage died and I am pretty sure he dosed me with a sleeping potion. The last thing I remember was sitting on the floor crying and he offered me a drink and then held me while I cried. Next thing I remember it was morning and I had one heck of a headache.
         Father, two things... 1st I do remember what you said about the Battlemage Galdur and his son's, so I am going to take it on myself to get the pieces of the amulet and send them to the Psijic monks as well. 2nd, I have been attacked twice by assassins. The letters they carry do not say who, just that the job as been paid for. Looking for the amulets will keep me away from the college, but Armion said that he would teach me some more destruction, Illusion and conjuration, plus he had some book's at that little house. *******

         So I now that the Orb is gone and things almost back to normal, I am going out again to look for more book's for the Librarian. He has a couple leads on book's by someone named Shalidor, so I will probably be rummaging in every dusty, musty and draugr filled ruin their is in Skyrim.  Yippy for me, it's a job right? Anyway, Annalisa, all that running around I did,  that baby fat that you teased me about, it's gone. 
    So me and my Shadow are going to be off and about for while. So this journal is leaving on the next boat to Summerset, I will start another. I will try and get some letter's written at the very least and I am sorry that I had not done so.

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