Sunday, July 5, 2015

Journal 4th of Sun's Dusk - 11th of Sun's Dusk ( pg 4)

4th of Sun's Dusk, Winterhold, college, Skyrim

    The college has a very nice Lustarium, mother you would be in your element. They have two different temperate zones, one tropical, the other more desert like, both heated with Dwemer technology that one of the teachers has converted for that use. I spend  a bit of time in the Tropical room, no one else seems to like it and it's a very quiet place for me to study. My Shadow  ever dogging my footsteps, I won't say I am used to him, but he is so quiet that I often forget he is their, for a time anyway.

     The library is also very nice and I have been helping the Librarian find some book's that he has tracked down to various places. That is what I am going to do tomorrow, retrieve some books that where taken when a student left the college. I asked if anyone else needed anything that I could get on my trip out and other than the Enchanting Teacher, wanting an item picked up, their was nothing that I could do anyway.
      My Alteration teacher is getting very excited about the excavation in the Nordic ruin, he will be in charge of us students. My fellow students are also getting antsy about going, they seem to think it will be a good adventure and a way they can us more of their mage skills. I am not so happy about going, but I suppose it is a good way to hone certain skills... like those needed to find and catalogue different enchantments and wards.

**** Armion still follows me around school, but he is unintrustive, mostly. The other day the Thalmor advisor tried to corner me, questioning me. Armion stepped out of the shadows, cleared his throat and Ancarno went pale and excused himself. I do not know what Armions exact job was/is here in Skyrim and I am afraid of the answer if I was to ask. I know he is a dangerous man. His skill as a mage is only equaled by his skill with a sword and he is so quiet that you would think he was a thief ....or assassin.  *******

  6th of Sun's Dusk, The Winking Skeever, Solitude, Skyrim

     I am finished with my book retrieval and it was quiet a job. The three book's taken by a former student were in a fort that had been taken over by a cult of Necromancers. That was quiet the fight and the leader was not an easy person to deal with, another Uppity Altmer. Why are our own folk going to Skyrim and being that way?  The other book was in a bandit hideout and they were much easier to deal with. ( actually if they hadn't shot first, I would have asked to buy the book from them.) 

   After the little talk that I had with Armion he said he would purchase some different robes, as long as there were some appropriate ones. I am not sure exactly what that meant, but he did say that he would exchange them from the Thalmor robes he wears now. That is the main reason we are here in Solitude. I get some very evil looks from the Local Nords because of him and I am sure they would be much nicer where he not along... or not wearing those robes. 

   And what did  he choose to and grey robes, one set is a very deep purple and grey.  Black is a theme, he didn't however get rid of his cloak and he just grunted at me when I said something.  I traded in some armor I found, cleaned and put on... ( the look on his face was priceless, it didn't cover much ) but trading it was part of the deal. 

  11th of Sun's Dusk, Winterhold, College, Skyrim
    The trip back to winterhold was very uneventful, a couple bandit's and some wolves. I managed to catch the evening Alteration class and Tolfidir said that now that I was back we would be heading to the excavation in the morning. Colette the Restoration Master was rather upset this  evening, seems someone is moving some of her things. I will be taking a few of her classes, skill in healing is always a good thing to have. 

  ****** Their is more politicking going on here than first meets the eye. Some of the teachers are not happy with the way the college is run by the Arch-mage and the Dean.  The college guard brought Armion a letter, he read it and then threw it in the waste basket in my room. Well when he left to let me get into my night clothing and clean up, I read it, quickly. While I had thought it might be from the Inquisitor, I was wrong. It was from his brother, who if I read that right is a Priest of Talos! He was berating him for the things that the Thalmor are doing here and I would guess taunting him with his open worship of Talos. One might just walk up to the Dragons that have suddenly appeared and stick ones tongue out at them.  *********



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