Saturday, July 4, 2015

25th of Frostfall, Letter to Amina ( pg 2)

Dearest Amina, 

     Please tell our parents that I arrived in Solitude with no problems, the Captain said he is going to be here for a couple days and I asked him to take this letter back with him. The trip here was unexceptional to say the least, even my fellow travelers were...lacking in personality. The sailors were the only thing that made the trip itself tolerable, they had many  ammusing stories. 

     I don't know about sending open letters to you and the rest of the family, so I have thought of a way to  make sure that the inquisitor does not get his hands on anything important. It is not of course fool proof, but better than nothing. The letters I send to Mother and Father will be a generic, while anything inmprtant will go to you in a secret panel in a journal I will send to you. The journal itself will be full of chatty gossip and day to day events, meant to be a boring read for someone not interested in my day to day life, so I would only skim through, so that you can catch some of the gossip...feed it to him when when he comes by and we both know he will. 

     What to say, hmm the trip as I said was uneventful, but getting off of the ship in Solitude, I didn't even make it to the end of the pier before I saw THE most gorgious man and you would think Nord right? No, Altmer and I was very very interested until I noticed the Thalmor robes he was wearing. 

     At first I thought that he might have just been the typical nosey Thalmor and was on the pier to see who had gotten off the ship, but no... I was the 1st off and he followed me into town. I walked all the way around town, just to make sure and yes, he was following me. As I didn't want to create a scene out in public I waited til I got to the Inn and confronted him their. 

    He didn't even look surprised, just told me he had been assigned to "watch, guard  and report" anything and everything that I did to an Inquisitor in Summerset. I don't think we need to guess real hard who that might be. I'm afraid I had some harsh word's for him, before I thought about it.

    To bad cause I could really have been interested in him, but I have no tolerance for the Thalmor or their supporters. Yes, dearest, I know to keep my mouth shut on those types of opinions. 

      Oh, on the gossipy side, the local clothing shop is run by two Altmer sisters, the kind that we have always refused to deal with, very uppity. Their clothing is nice, for a provencial backwater and I do think I might have said something of the sort, but not in so many words. 

                                                  Love you, Dama

P.S. my shadow, his name is Armion. He just leans and glares at people. 

P.P.S.  He really IS gorgious dang it all.


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