Friday, July 10, 2015

Journal #2 1st of Evening Star - 5th of Evening Star ( pg 6)

1st of Evening Start, Solitude, Skyrim

    We are in Solitude after a rather arduous crawl through the Nordic ruin Folgunthur, Father you may recognize the name of the person interred their, Mikrul his last name was partially obscured but Gaul something or other. 

    The book that we were after was not in the tomb and I was rather disappointed as the Librarian seemed to really want it. It was a tough fight from the first room's to the last, but we made it through. The book the Librarian wanted was not their, but I have asked around town about rare book's and got an interesting answer. A Necromancer that likes to hoard books lives, so we thought we would ask him nicely if he has any that the college may be interested in. 

    You know some people just don't take to being asked nicely. His followers attacked us as soon as we entered the keep. Really all we wanted was to see if he had any book's I could buy from him. We did find some books that looked very old, but were still in good condition, if rather fragile. I wrapped them up in cloth then water proof oiled cloth for the trip back to Winterhold.

5th of Evening Sun, College, Winterhold, Skyrim
   We are back at the college and Urag Gro-Shub, the Librarian was thrilled with the book's that we brought. He was happy to see I was in one piece also. He was kind of disappointed that the lead he had gotten the book he wanted didn't pan out, but he said to give him a week or so and he would have some other leads if I was interested.

   In the mean time I will take some classes on Conjuration and the one class in Restoration that I wanted to take. Colette is still upset about someone going through her things and leaving harsh personal notes. If it wasn't for the notes I would think she was imagining that her fellow teachers were persecuting her in some way. I was sitting in the Library reading and half listening to two of the instructors talking about an experiment in enchanting/ conjuration that they were performing together when she walked in, they stopped speaking... after they left she came over to me and said "See they are talking about me, conversations stop when I enter the room."  Well her name had not once come up in the conversation and as I don't think that either instructor knew I could hear them, I said nothing. 

*********  I got the Gauldur fragment from Mikrul and I can feel the two pieces trying to pull together. I gave that piece to Armion to hold, because even wrapped in insulating silk,  the pull was strong. I found some information in the tomb about where the next fragment can be located, but I'll need to wait til the Librarian asks me to get him some book or the other.
                     I am as it happens pretty safe here at the college itself, but. I went into town to get somethings that various instructors had ordered and was again attacked by an assassin. Armion only had to pull me behind him, as the man was a pincushion of arrow's before I could blink. The Jarl happened to be walking around town and the Guards thought he was the target. Armion got their first, for some reason the guards really respect him and he palmed the note, which said I was the target. This is getting worse, Armion has no idea who is behind this, as he is still receiving missive's from the Inquisitor asking if I am still safe. He said he would be pulled as my guard and reassigned elsewhere if the Inquisitor wanted me dead.
                     I will keep you abreast of what is happening, but I think I may have to leave Skyrim sooner than I thought. I have a good lead on a place I may be safe at, both from assassins and other things. ********

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