Saturday, July 4, 2015

Journal 27th of Frostfall - 3rd of Sun's Dusk ( pg 3)

27 Frostfall, Morthal, Skyrim

     First Morthal is a very creepy little town, centered between some mountains and a frozen swamp. The Inn's Bard is an Orc of all things, while not terribly good, he could be worse. But this is where I decided to stop for the night, I wanted to see some of Skyrim and as I have a "guard/ protector", I figured their wasn't much harm in walking.

       I did forget to mention in my letter that the name of the Inn in solitude is "The Winking Skeever", what an odd name. The bard their was pretty good, but I would expect that from the town where the Bards College is.

      You would not believe this, but the very first danger that I ran into was giant spiders, Kali would have absolute fit's. My gloomy guardian is a spellsword and a very good one at that. The wolves are rampant here also, but as long as they come at us in small numbers, they are very easy to take care of.

*** Hidden letter excerpt****   Amina, HE takes his job very seriously, I flirted a bit with a local Nord, he was kinda cute, but I meant nothing by it and I'm sure he knew that. HE glared at the Benor until he left. Then I woke up in the middle of the night to find him sitting in the chair in my room... talk about creepy. We passed a Thalmor patrol with a prisoner I felt very sorry for the man, they had not even  left him with his own clothing and had taken his shoes. How can anyone wish to be a part of such a cruel organization? *****

28 th Frostfall, Dawnstar, Skyrim

   This is a very nice little town, but they seem to be having a problem with Nightmares, I had no trouble sleeping, but most everyone I talked to said they have not had a good night's sleep in week's. I think you would like it, it's right on the coast, in a very snowy local. 

   This is a piece of news you are just not going to believe, but it's true... Armion and I were attacked by a Dragon, yes  that's right a Dragon. I may not like him, but if not for Armion I would be dead, so I guess Father was right, I really should have taken a bodyguard with me, at least until I can get better with my magicka and defending myself. 

30th Frostfall, College, Winterhold, Skyrim

    So I met with the Archmage and the umm Dean (?) or the the lady in charge of the day to day workings. I also met with all the teachers and some of the students.  I met the Librarian, an Orc would you believe? He is very nice, if gruff and takes his job seriously.  A tour around the whole of the College, it is much nicer than we had thought it would be. Right on the coast, if I can find the watercolors to do so, I will paint some pictures, I may not be as good as Amina, but I think you can get the gist. 

   I got my room assigned to me, it's a one person room, which somehow I think I might be sharing with my shadow.... I even joked about getting a pallet and some fur's to put on the floor. 

**** I don't think he thought that my joke about furs on the floor was very funny. But that is exactly what he did and put it right infront of the door. I could not go out without waking him up, of course that was probably the idea, along with no one being able to come in. 
        There is another Thalmor agent here at the College, he says his role is Advisor, but as far as I can see all he does is give his opinion to the Arch-mage is a semi-threatening way. Not that the Arch-mage pays any attention to that. 
       He does not seem to know the Agent that is here.. Ancarno or something like that... just what I need, I know Ancarno is the type to report every little detail in the worst light possible. I shall be very careful. ******** 

3rd of Sun's Dusk, Winterhold, College, skyrim

       I've had my 1st couple of classes and the teachers are very good. I decided to go with Conjuration,  Illusion and Alteration as my major courses of study, with Destruction and a few classes in Restoration. Their is even a teacher for Enchanting, which is very nice. 
     In a week or so we are supposed to go help with an excavation of an old Nordic ruin. I think our main job will be to catalog artifacts so that the workers have more than one person to go to. In the mean time, I am making some extra money by helping some of the teacher's and librarian get things. Like I got a Necklace for the Enchanting Teacher from a man in Markarth, a town supposedly built by the Dwemer and I can see that it probably was. 
     Why do I need the extra money? While their is no "tuition" like some of the other colleges, you have to pay the teachers for each lesson, which as I am sure you can guess Ad's up. Plus my clothing is not adequate for the weather if I am roaming around the country side on assignments from the teachers.

******* He had an absolute fit when he saw the clothing that I started wearing when I got to the college, well you know it is a bit skimpy, but not like I am showing more than our parents permit. I know I am bad, Amina, the things he said really made me mad, so I stripped down to my bra and panties to sleep. I didn't wear the thick stockings and tall boot's with the short skirts, like we had planned... I wore just the skirt and fur slippers.  No Jacket with the corsets either. Ok so I could only keep that up for a day or so, it is just that cold here, but it was well worth it. I do not think himself was very thrilled with the idea. Just wait til he gets a gander at the Formal mage robes that you designed for me...******


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